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Fake Smile

22nd April 2012; Sunday; my comeback .
Sunday 22 April 2012 | 01:57 | 0 comments
Omigawsh . Hai . ♡ .
It's been long since I posted , huh ? Mian ~ I'll post some really funny gifs + target of interest of today now . ♡ .
------Target of interest(s) of today ; Byun Baekhyun , Chen , Xiu Min , Luhan , Kris , Oh Sehun and Park Chanyeol 
Wow . That's a lot . Basically EXO planet . c; . I will be doing another post on BTOB later !

Yeah , Kris babeh ! c; .
 Chen is gorgeous . ;A; . 'nuff said .
 Baby-faced Luhannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn ~
 Golden bun . xD .
 Damn . Luhan sure is sexay .
 There's the derp-faced Chanyeol but his skinnnnnnnnnn ! /le gasp/

Sexy bacon Baekhyun c;
 Sehun baby's aegyo ~
bye-yeom . I'm too lazy . B\ .

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