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Fake Smile

12th March 2012 ; Monday
Sunday 11 March 2012 | 23:15 | 0 comments
Gahhhhhhhhhhh . There's something wrong with AFF ! *sobs*
ANDDDD I lost a follower ! DDDDD: . *wails*
ok well anws , spazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzing time.
Jeongmin ? Kwangmin ? Boyfriend . :D .
Gonna spazz on Jeongmin and Kwangmin today .

image<- mirror prince ! wahahahaha .
image<- Kwangmin being forever 4D ~
okay anddddd , sorry guys , but this is super super super cute . You WILL NOT regret this .
image<- Minwooooooooooooooooo . ><" . well . He IS pretty cute . But he is too overrated so nahhhhhh . But he is really cute tho ! >< .
Jeongmin & Kwangmin forever <3
Hope you enjoyed this ~ ^^ .

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